Friday, July 31, 2009

Looking back

It's my last night in Vancouver and I am sitting in my room trying not to sweat all over the freshly washed linen on the bed I've called mine for the last month. I am grateful that there wasn't any recored breaking heat waves while I was pounding the pavement, trying to search for the mystery person. What I am most grateful for is Robin giving me the opportunity to participate in "The only thing I know for sure is that while I am looking for you, you are looking for me." I have really enjoyed getting to know this fantastic metropolis, and am pleased to have met all the interesting people to happened to cross my path. The month was full of unexpected and improbable experiences.

This project was truely a unique assignment. How does one go into something like this with expectaions? I guess we all had some sort of romanticized idea about how it might play out. Although how Matthew and I found eachother over the internet wasn't terribly sexy, that is how it happened and that makes the project a success. I was upset for awhile about Matthew's effort (or lack thereof?) but really he was just going about it a different way. He was playing the hunter role, while I was trying to be found. There are a few things I would do differently, but overall, I am proud of my efforts and see them as being relevant and obvious.

An aspect of Robin's work that I really admire is how he gives up control of his art and puts it into the hands of strangers. That's where the art happens. It's all about the social interactions and other's interpretations of his ideas. During my post-searching interview with Robin, he asked me how I thought what I was doing was considered art. I guess it was kind of like a performance. Even trying to be as real as possible, I always felt a bit like people where watching. Like I was playing the role of how I thought I should be. Kind of like reality TV, but without the cameras. The cameras were following me in my head because I was so aware of my actions and intentions, I felt like I was in some sort of spotlight. Which isn't always a comfortable position to be in.

In the end, I am going home satisfied with my time spent here. I am ready to go home.

Keep an eye out for "...looking for you..." exhibits coming soon-ish.

Thanks to:
Jason for the comfortable company, and exciting conversations. Science is cool!
Annie, Zoe and Matt for thinking of me
Scott for the drama and music sharing

And to Robin for the ice cream, conceptual contracts, stress-related sharing, tea-sipping support and FUN!!

parting tunes

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed by all your HUGE and CREATIVE effort Erin. You're my person-search hero.
