Sunday, July 12, 2009

And the search goes on!

Moderate success!! I've been sidewalk chalking up dust storm, and it is taking affect! That's right, the folk of metro Vancouver are standing up and asking: "Who ARE you searching for?!"
OK, so I've only gotten a few responses, but I think it's a good start. I've been scribbling my project email address in random yet important places around the city (seawall, Robson St, the central library and so on and so forth) Now all Mr/Ms Looking-for-Me has to do is look down at his/her feet and let the light bulb go off.
DING! seriously, person. Is that so hard?
I am really surprised my news paper personal ads haven't caught much attention. But I have a good feeling about my chalking attempts. I guess the only thing to do is keep on keepin' on, and hope for the best.
P.S. I went to the aquarium today and saw the baby beluga!! Yay! I also saw the king and queen of Japan. But not at the aquarium.
I can't stop (won't stop) listening to these guys in honour of my remaining time in Van-city and this because it's my floats my boat. Shamo.

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